Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 9: Learners differences and technology

  Now we are very close to the end of our webskills course. We have implemented   technology enhanced project in our class and prepared final report. There is little left for the next week. The best part of this week discussion was on learner’s differences in terms of multiple intelligence and using suitable technologies to help the learners in terms of their intelligence.
 Multiple Intelligence theory was forwarded by Howard Gardner in 1983 in his book Frames of Minds. He identified seven types intelligences in the book. He added two more types of intelligences in 1999 when he published the book Intelligence Re framed.  According to Gardner everybody possesses linguistic/verbal, Mathematical l/logical, Visual/ spatial, Kinthestic /body, Musical/ rhythmic, Interpersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalistic and existential.  People don’t have these intelligences in the same way. The degree of intelligences varies person to person.
 There are different theories to account learners differences in term of their learning styles. MI theory has powerful impacts on teaching learning   process. Unfortunately, many teachers are not aware of learner’s differences. Even they are aware of learners’ differences they are unable to teach in appropriate ways. We teach all the students more or less in the same ways is if one size fits for all in Nepal.  Like else where we praise linguistic and mathematical /logical talents among learners. Other types of   intelligences are virtually ignored. The mismatch of teaching style and learning style is common problem. It is the most ignored problem in Nepalese class room.
I realized that different types of technologies have different potentialities to enhance students learning styles. I learned that blogging can be good option for interpersonal learner. Collaborative writing can be good for students with good interpersonal skills. Wide ranges of technologies are available for learners. Power Point Presentation might be good options for visual learners.  We learned many technologies/tools   suitable for different types of learners. We have not discussed about benefit of audio books. It can be good for auditory learners.
 One thing should be kept in mind while using technology in the class. We are still not sure which is the best way to integrate technology in the class? So we should try different types of tools. If we use different tools, it kills learners monotony on one hand and  offers something good for everyone in the class  in terms of their learning styles. The one words answer for the right practice is variety

 There is one more week . Let's see what it  will bring.


  1. Dear Krishna,
    Greetings from Nepal!
    I am agree with that "different types of technologies have different potentialities to enhance students learning styles".Of course, we can use different kinds of tools for promoting learning such as PPT, WebQuests and so on.
    Thanks for sharing ideas for promoting MI in your classroom.
    With Regards,

  2. Dear Krishna,

    thank you for mentioning a problem that teachers praised linguistic and mathematical /logical talents among learners. Other students with different talents are ignored or not that supported by teachers.


  3. Dear Krishna,

    I like the way you are describing your achievements, it’s really important to know about our students’ needs, and what is much more important is that we should know how to meet their different needs. And it’s great we have been discussing the problem this week. Hope after having studied all weekly materials and course tools we’ll certainly cope with making our teaching and learning environment more comfortable and effective for everyone un the classroom (face2face and virtual as well).

    Regards, Nataliia

  4. Dear Krishna,
    I agree with your words:"we should try different types of tools. If we use different tools, it kills learners monotony on one hand and offers something good for everyone in the class in terms of their learning styles". Different activities and tasks will envolve students into learning process where they will perform different abilities. Thus, they will enjoy and love learning process.

  5. Hi Krishna,

    You've done an excellent job summarizing, highlighting, and reflecting on Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Your thorough understanding of the impact of MIs in our classes is leading you to the right resolution. Variety is the key. In order to reach students with varying degrees of intelligences, we must use different tools and approaches.

    Excellent reflection!


  6. Dear Courtney and course mates
    Thank you very much for your constant motivation. Now I am sad because our this journey is going to end soon. I hope to meet you again and again and learn much more in the future.
    Best Regard
