Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week :6 Words to action

 It is nearly the end of  6th week . I am reflecting  on the achievement of the week. This week will be memorable   week because I brought the  tips and tricks of Power Point Presentation, making the large class interactive and   starting project  based learning with students.  I am attending 18 th international conference of NELTA.

I learned to make power point couple of years ago. But my power point slide were just liner blocks of text.I din't have ideas on designing  power points.I learned to make interactive Power Point.I learned     some tricks of Microsoft"s power point  presentation.i.e. font,text amount, color, hyper linking,animation,action,blank slide,questioning,etc.The mode of delivery is  more  important than slides.Good slides can enhance presentation. Presentation is not reading slide after slide. I  saw some  presenters were just reading block of text on slides with out caring  audience in NELTA conference. Power Point is for'' to the point ''They could do better if they had explored tips on presentation.Now I think I can improve my Power Point Presentation.

 Large classes are difficult to handle.Large class demand additional supports, skills and resources. Unfortunately  most of large class are in developing countries which  don't have  good resources and support system. . Large class are common in Nepal .I learned many suggestions from experts and thought the possibility of implementing in my class. Many of technology related solutions are not applicable in our context in absence of appropriate technology.Dr.Richard Smith,one key speaker of 18 th international  conference highlighted the need of bottom up approach of solution from individual teacher in local context. I fully agree with him. He is discussing the issue today. I am applying concept map,demonstration . predicating from text etc in my class to make  them more interactive. I am reading my e friends experience and thinking on the possibility of their adaptation in my class.
 I started the course project with my student. I did technology survey with them. I  gave them one orientation class with Power Point Presentation. We have stared our initial work.I grouped them  in to four group and assigned reading. I have forty minutes period and every other day their is power cut. I helped my student the techniques of web searching on their cell phone. As I came to attend , I don't know their progress on project. I hope they are doing assigned task. I will discuss with them  and keep them in track.
  I am having wonderful time in Kathmandu.I met my  friend working different parts of country, my teachers and experts and foreign delegates.There are five persons doing web skills in our group. I met Mukti, Kunjar and Sharmila. Virtual fiends became real friends.We are sharing our ideas and we took group photograph.
 I was wonderful experience. I attended Sharmila's Presentation.It was great and engaging.  Congratulation for your great presentation.
  I want to stop now as I am getting late for the second day of conference.


  1. Dear Krishna,
    Yeah, Krishna, you are right we can implement bottom up approach of solution from individual teacher in local context (Dr. smith). we met online friends in the NELTA conference where we shared our feelings and interests to implement Technology in our context.
    Hoping to meet you tomorrow in NELTA conference.
    Thanking you.
    With Regards,

    1. Dear Mukti
      I had great time there with you.

      Perhaps you are very busy after the conference. Thank you for encouraging me to be more visible in our field.

      I couldn't attend Dr.Smith work shop on large class as I was returning earlier than the time. Did you attend? How was it?

      Please share his ideas if you attended it.

  2. Dear Krishna,

    You must be very happy with such a productive week! Your students working on the project and you attending a conference where you're getting lot of foods for thought.

    You're right when you summarize that the interactive power point making tips not only enhance the quality of teaching but also the quality of presentation in situations like a conference/seminar. Who has not suffered from those sleep-inducing read-out power point slides?

    Looking forward to more idea-sharing from you about the NELTA conference.

    1. Dear Tahsina

      Now I am back from the conference.It was productive.I got theoretical as well as practical ideas on large class,presentation and many more.

      There were were many presenter from B'desh. I attended their few sessions.Some of the presentation were non interactive. But others were more or less interactive. May be I was more interested on their presentation style than content because of our weekly task on PPP.
      I had attended Sakiba Ferdousy and Mariam Jamila 's presentation. It was on learners autonomy. They said they are familiar with you.
      I hope to see you there in next NELTA's conference.
      Best regards

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Krishna,

    It is great of you that you help me a lot. For sure, we are having great time in the 18th Conference in NELTA. We met each other, took photograph, talking about our course, sharing ideas on it as well as we are taking many sessions which are really fruitful. Mainly, I enjoyed plenary session of Dr, Richard Smith in Large classes and Kalyan Chattorphadhya in ICT. Both were very contextual in our course. This time, I'm searching and going to take the class if somebody is presenting on ICT, Large classes, Training etc. On 23rd of February again, Smith is going to conduct the training in large classes you can registered and take part. I'm also going to take part. Thank you for everything and From your blog it seems like you are taking opportunity of learning many things. See you in the Conference.


    1. Dear Sharmila
      I am back now.Perhaps you are reflecting what you learned during conference.You must have learned a lot. Need less to repeat we had great time there.

      Please share ideas if you attend Dr.Smith's work shop on large class.
      With best regards

  5. Hi Krishna,

    First of all, how wonderful that you attended Sharmila's presentation. It gives me great excitement to image a face to face exchange between the two of you!

    I must admit, it makes me proud to hear that you were evaluating presenters power points at the NELTA conference with a critical eye after learning about how to make PPTs more interactive. Isn't it amazing what a few different approaches can do to further engage an audience?!?!?

    Thanks for your excellent weekly reflection! Keep up the great work!

  6. Hi Courtney,
    It was very good occasion for us. I not only attended Sharmila's presentation but also suggested her some ideas to make more audience friendly in terms of color and font, picture etc. We were very busy with our conference and course.Mukti and I sat together for many sessions because of our common interest. We had not met before.But once we met it was as if we were graduated together.
    I also noticed some of the techniques used by key speaker to engage the audience.I particularly liked Dr.Richard Smith use of Think Pair and share.As we were being provided the hand out of his presentation.He kept us busy asking us to make list the major problems of large class in pair.Later he collected some of the ideas and shared with all audiences in the hall.
